Monday, October 24, 2011

Big Bang

On the mountain bus from Uttarkhand to Delhi I had great thoughts.

From Delhi, I spun around and flew from Delhi to Bangalore. Swiftly, in chase of organizations that were the leaders in sanitation and water knowledge management in India. Off to Arghyam and the India Sanitation Portal. From there I was headed to the Tiruchirappali and the nexus of leaders in sanitation in Ind- but we'll stay in Bangalore for this post.

Bangalore was where I met Biome. Check out their blog pics. Their office whirs with quiet computers and even quieter voices. They work in the immediate community making beautiful homes out of earth. Its popular in Bangalore - so there is hope for the world to return to earth construction.

Vishwanath, who runs the Rainwater Club and is married to the head of Biome, gave me a tour of his rooftop during his lunchbreak.The bamboo is a model of an ecosan toilet they designed for a coastal disaster area. Bangalore may be the rainwater harvesting capital of the world. And the weather is nice year round.

Then I visited the Institute of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine in search of people knowledgeable on traditional hygiene practice and their views on its role for today.

And sat in a Costa cafe shop while thinking of informative designs for urban survival - like masks that interprets the particles that it traps.

While I was in Bangalore Tiffany called and said that Waste Ventures is having wastecart technical design issues in their pilot solid waste management project in Osmanabad, Maharashtra. So I started taking pictures of all the wastecarts around me (after actually noticing them for the first time too).

I have also been growing a repository of handwash stations around India.

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